We needed to get out of the house today. BADLY. After lunch we headed south to Severson Dells Forest Preserve on a hunt for signs of spring!
Unfortunately, the only sign of spring we found was the creek, which, as Emma pointed out, is a sign of spring because it is not frozen completely over... We stumbled upon a couple of deer having an afternoon snack of tree bark. They allowed us to gawk from a nice, safe distance.
Before heading home, we stopped in the visitor's center. The nice ladies who work there were anxious to have the kids try their experiment: They've been feeding the birds out of a sombrero atop of a scarecrow.

The goal is to get the birds so used to eating out of the hat, that anyone can sit down next to the scarecrow, put the hat on, and have the birds eat right off the top of their heads! Danny went first: no luck. Holly went second: one little chickadee landed on her lap, but nothing on her head. (It's a wonder she sat long enough for anything to come close!) Emma went third and seems to be the natural birder of the family: she had 5 birds try out her hat-feeder!!!

Drew went last and had two land, but by the time he tried it, I think the birds had wised up to what was going on. Then, being the good kids they are, the boys helped the lady from Severson Dells get the hat situated back on top of the scarecrow and re-filled with seed.
What a fun way to spend an afternoon! And more proof that you just never know what will happen next!!!