A friend recently asked me if I'm going to recreate my old kitchen "look" in my new kitchen. She remembers how much I used to go on and on about how much I loved my old kitchen: the pretty robin's egg blue paint, the black & white checkerboard floor, my curtains that I made all by myself, and my collection of roosters and chickens.
Well, I have to say good bye (forever probably) to the checkerboard floor, our new kitchen has ceramic tile and I don't see us wearing that out anytime soon. I'm pretty mych over my robin's egg blue obsession. But, I still think chickens, especially the roosters, are really pretty.
We had a lady from Pec come out and paint the kitchen a lovely light brown, almost goldish, color--she did an AMAZING job! I painted the one little mantle wall a dark brown, the kids call it "chocolate".
I found the wall hanging at Hobby Lobby for ridiculously cheap. I also bought the rooster on the left at Hobby Lobby (well, there's some robin's egg blue!), but the other chickens are from the old kitchen.
Here's the hutch I mentioned awhile ago. I LOVE the way it turned out! (Oh wait, there's more of that pretty blue!)

I have fabric to make some sort of valance or something. I just love the plain, uncovered windows, though! We are slowly getting birds to come back to the bird feeders. We have a couple of pretty regular humming birds and a house finch (no yellow finches, yet...). I think all the birds moved down the road with my folks.
The kitchen is nice and spacious, we splurged and bought new appliances (ours were mismatched and various ages). Including the appliances with our old house also helped to sell it.
Over to the right is the fridge, a breakfast bar and more cupboards. This area also leads to the mud room... more on that to follow!