Didn't happen (or at least so far, and since we start school in 6 days, I'm done hoping for it). We've had to wear a sweatshirt every morning except for a couple; we've had our a/c on maybe 5 days --not consecutively, either, and I haven't put more than a toe in the swimming pool. But, these volunteer sunflowers all popped up in front of the pool and make me happy every time I look out the kitchen window!
Our garden has been bountiful, and I'm really getting into this pickling thing! The tomatoes are coming along and I finally have strawberries! Our second crop of green beans should be ready to harvest Labor Day weekend. The garden is getting a little weedy, but I am o.k. with it.
So, despite the cold weather and the shortened vacation due to snow days, it has been a beautiful summer, nonetheless.
Tonight we are headed off to the fair with the cattle! Wish us luck and patience... I know I'll need it!!!