Anyway, she loves to spend time with her nieces and nephews, so a new adventure was in order. I've heard the "big kids" at school talking about geocaching. Geocaching is a up-and-coming hobby where you use GPS coordinates to find hidden treasure! I signed up at a geocaching website, downloaded the app to my phone, and off we went.
Here's how you geocache:
Step 1: Find a cache in your area (through the app).
Step 2: Get to the general vicinity. (We drove to a parking lot of a church near a nature trail where the app told us 3 caches were hidden.)
Step 3: Pull up the app and turn on the compass (touch the screen to make the little cache thingy turn into coordinates).
Step 4: Follow the compass and be on the look out for something out-of-the-ordinary!
We didn't find the first cache.
The second cache was hidden exactly where the GPS coordinates told us. It was under a tree but off the path, so we had to do a little work to find it! The cache was an Igloo Thermos filled with stickers, little capsules, and other random stuff, as well as a log book, where we signed our name and dated it. The cache had already been found once earlier in the day and once the day before. I think we were the 7th people to find it.

The fourth cache we went in search of was at the fair grounds. (The girls were getting a little antsy by this point, so I took the girls to the play ground outside the fair grounds, and the boys and Aunt Em went in search of the cache. They didn't find it, but after talking about it with one of my geocaching students, we think it may have been "muggled" after the most recent flea market. (Muggled means thrown away by non-geocachers!)
If you are interested learning more about or trying geocaching, check out this link:
We had a LOT of fun geocaching and look forward to going to other towns and locations. It's fun, exercise, and a learning experience for the whole family!
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