2012-2013 School year -- Done
4-H Enrollment paper work -- Done
2 (LONG) weeks of Professional Development --Done
Family vacation -- Done
Here are some shots from the first part of our vacation: "The Land of Lincoln"!
New Salem; the village where Abe Lincoln spent six years before beginning his political career. While in New Salem, Lincoln ran a general store, worked as Post Master, and spent some time in northern Illinois serving as a captain in the Blackhawk War. |
The Illinois State Capitol Building; embarrassingly enough, this is not our children's first state capitol tour. We toured the KY state capitol two years ago... Illinois has the 2nd tallest capitol building of all the 50 states. (I don't remember which state is tallest.) The Capitol Building in D.C. is significantly shorter. |
After Lincoln moved to Springfield and married Mary Todd, the couple moved to this home where they lived until their move to the White House. After President Lincoln was assassinated, Mary Todd lived with her sister Elizabeth and then her son had her committed to an asylum for the mentally impaired. |
The Old State Capitol; this is the actual spot where Abe Lincoln sat, this is NOT his actual hat, though. We saw one of three remaining hats that he owned at our next stop, the Lincoln Library and Museum. |
At the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum, we got to meet the Lincolns! Well, at least a wax replica. This museum is a MUST SEE!!! You are taken on a journey through Lincoln's life. The Library part is interesting too, but by the time we got to that part of the building, the kids were TIRED and our feet hurt and we were hungry and, well, you know how it goes... We just did a quick look-around the exhibits about the "Boys in Blue", the soldiers who fought in the Civil War. I'd have liked to spent more time there, but maybe another time. |
Lincoln's Tomb: our last stop! We all had to rub Abe's nose for good luck. When I visited the tomb as a kid, it was closed. This was the first time I was inside the actual tomb/monument. |
We learned a lot, we had fun, and that ended the first half of our vacation! Stay tuned for part 2...
Meet me in St. Louis!
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