Sunday, November 3, 2013

Somebody at our house had a birthday!!!

Yep!  Big Dave!  He's 40 now! 

Here are some of my favorite Daves:
Daddy Dave! (With two of his biggest fans...)

Crazy Dave! (Probably the most familiar...)

And my personal favorite:  Cleaned-up Dave!  Hot stuff, huh?!?!

He celebrated by sleeping in an hour (thanks, Daylight Savings time!), getting in from chores in enough time to make himself a jalapeno omelet before church (poor guy had to make his own breakfast!), combining corn all afternoon (finally-- it quit raining!), and a supper of his two most favorite things to eat in the whole world:
Pork Chops and Rice, and Lemon Meringue Pie. 

Here's to another 40 years every bit as good as the first 40!!!

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