Three friends and I have season tickets to our local playhouse. We're coming to the end of our third season doing this, and what we love is that it means a guaranteed "girl's-night-out" 5 times a year! When we went to the play in September, there was an ad for "The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley Jr." at the New Sullivan Theater in Rockford. We got this crazy idea that we'd share our love of the theater with our darlings.

Stanley Lambchop dreams of having adventures, and one night a fairy comes and grants him his wish by dropping a bulletin board on him, squashing him flat. His parents fold him up and put him in an envelope and send him all over the world.
Flat Stanley is a set of children's books, and in preparing for the play, we read a book where Stanley scares a bully at a Halloween party, and another, longer chapter book where Stanley travels to Africa in search of other flat people.

While the play was definitely the highlight of the week, maybe the month..., we all agreed that the best part was being out-on-the-town with our friends! My "ladies of the theater" friends are so much fun, and normally when we go to the play, the dads all get together and hang out with the kids. Lord only knows what happens while we're gone...
The kids all did a great job of watching the play! My kids reported that their favorite parts were when Flat Stanley's mom took him to the doctor after the bulletin board incident, (the doctor tells Mrs. "Porkchop" that her kid is flat and to bring him back when he has the sniffles or a stomach ache, but don't forget to make a co-pay on her way out!) and the "cool kids" who decide to use Stanley as a kite--until the school bus comes!

At the end of the play, Stanley goes back to being 3-dimensional, and his closing lines are: "You don't have to be flat to have adventures, you just have to find the adventures in everything you do!"
How true, how true.
P.S. See you on the 30th, Laura!
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