Election years are VERY exciting when you're a grade-schooler! So, to start election day off right, I whipped up one of our breakfast favorites: waffles!

Since it was a momentous day in history, I threw on some star-shaped red, white, and blue sprinkles.

I'm telling ya-- The next time you make waffles, throw on some sprinkles! Nothing says, "Good morning, Sunshine! Have a fantastic day!" like a waffle with sprinkles baked in!
Oh, and for the election results-- the kids reported the results of their mock election at school:
vanilla won out to chocolate ice cream,
the candy of choice is Kit-Kats,
and the 1st through 4th graders seem to be primarily Democratic-- Obama won.
I love the smile on Miss"I'm going to be famous because that's why I was born!" Emma's face! What a fun Mother she has!
Thanks, Aunt Lana!!!
And we all know it's true!
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