Sunday, May 26, 2013

Things to be thankful for today...

Things I am thankful for today include but are not limited to:

Wellness:  Holly is feeling much better today after a bout of the stomach flu yesterday.  It was a classic 8 hour bug, she's back to her normal, chatty (VERY chatty) self today!

Fun Runs:  Yesterday's Crooked River 5K race was my most enjoyable race out of the last 4 years of my running 5ks.  I had a fantastic run with one of my dearest friends, Keli.  We just jogged and chatted, chatted and jogged.  It was delightful. 

My clean house and clean laundry:  After the race, we were trapped at home while Holly fought her bug.   So, I cleaned the house in the morning, then the oldest and the youngest went "farming" with Dave in the afternoon.   Drew and I lounged around on the couch and finished our library books while the washer and dryer did their job. 

Peace and serenity:   The sun came up this morning!  I hopped on my bike and did a quick 8 mile tour out and around Pecatonica.  The birds were chirping, it was nice and cool, those purple and white wildflowers in the ditches smell AmAzInG!  AND:  I saw a fox!!! A real, live, adorable fox!!! He (or she) was coming up from taking a drink out of the creek.  I don't think I've ever seen one so up-close.  He (or she) looked not quite full grown, but I really have no idea.   I tried to snap a picture quickly with my phone, but he (or she) got camera shy right as I was about to click a pic. 

So, today I do not have a new car, I do not have a nice, big, fancy house, my clothes are late 2012-Old Navy, but life is still pretty darned okay!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

My very brief stint as "soccer mom"...

I know, I know... If you are going to have a successful blog, you need decent content and steady posts...

Well, life has been busy for the Dalys lately.  That's my only excuse.

The last few weeks have been filled with Running Club (Drew), farming (Dave), 2 piano lessons per week (Drew AND Holly), and soccer (Holly). 

Soccer was supposed to be Tuesday and Thursdays from 6-7pm for 5 weeks in April and May, but it more or less worked out to only once a week due to bad weather, a middle school band concert, and a kindergarten program.  We had to drive to Winnebago for it, so that added up to another 14 minutes of my week gone out the window, too. 

She had fun though!

She learned some fundamentals (not many, but at least she knows which way to kick the ball and where to kick it!)

And it was worth a 'free' t-shirt and a scoop of frozen custard from Culvers!!!  I mean, really, who doesn't need a bright orange t-shirt?

P.S.  She gets the tongue-sticking-out thing from her father.