Sunday, November 9, 2014

Go Pec Pacers!

A few years ago, a couple of 4th grade teachers at Pecatonica Elementary School started a running club for the 3rd and 4th graders.  Their intention was to get kids up and moving, to teach kids to set a goal and work toward achieving it, and share their own love for running.  The club is called the "Pec Pacers" and has a spring and a fall session.  The spring session always culminates with the Crooked River 5K on Memorial Day weekend, the fall season ends with a 5K fun run around town at the end of October.

The Pacers met Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from when school let out until 4:15pm.  The Key Club members from the high school came up and scanned each runner's lanyard bar code as they completed a lap around the middle school track.  Each runner got a charm after every 5 miles run and they got special charms if they attended fun runs, held on Friday nights or Saturday mornings. 

A few weekends ago was the culminating race, a 5K around town.  Another mom took this picture.  It pretty much sums up how it went:  Mom trying to gently cajole Holly into running "a few more feet".  I even at one point was singing "100 bottles of beer on the wall" just to keep her mind off of -insert whine here- how sore her legs were, how tired she was, how she was SURELY going to die any minute.

Drew loved being a pacer when he was in grade school.  He loved pushing himself and racking up the miles.  Holly, on the other hand, really enjoys the social aspect; whether or not she'll be a cross country runner, like her cousins and grandfather, we won't know for a few more years!  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Another Sunday Afternoon... gone too soon...

Here's how we spent our lazy Sunday afternoon:

Danny ran the grain cart and caught corn all afternoon.

He's obviously settled right in, there are even happy messages written to him in the dirt and grime on the back of the combine.  (Still not sure how that got there...)

Drew watered the 4-H calves and spread some hay in the bunks for the load of cattle we were expecting in the night.

Holly and Emma practiced the piano, Holly's pieces are getting a lot harder as she becomes more "advanced", so she has to practice longer, clearly she's not so pleased.

And I put off grading my Business Math papers.  I usually am not such a procrastinator, but I just couldn't find the get-up-and-go to get them done.  Oh well, I technically have until Thursday morning to get them done... How much ya wanna bet I'm up til the wee-hours Wednesday night?!?!