The Pacers met Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from when school let out until 4:15pm. The Key Club members from the high school came up and scanned each runner's lanyard bar code as they completed a lap around the middle school track. Each runner got a charm after every 5 miles run and they got special charms if they attended fun runs, held on Friday nights or Saturday mornings.
A few weekends ago was the culminating race, a 5K around town. Another mom took this picture. It pretty much sums up how it went: Mom trying to gently cajole Holly into running "a few more feet". I even at one point was singing "100 bottles of beer on the wall" just to keep her mind off of -insert whine here- how sore her legs were, how tired she was, how she was SURELY going to die any minute.
Drew loved being a pacer when he was in grade school. He loved pushing himself and racking up the miles. Holly, on the other hand, really enjoys the social aspect; whether or not she'll be a cross country runner, like her cousins and grandfather, we won't know for a few more years!