Wreath: marked down from $14.99 to $4.49
Ribbon: marked down from $9.99 to $3.00
Letter D: not on sale, but only $1.99
Pink Glitter: $2.00
and don't forget the hanger: I don't know what the original price was, but sale price $1.00
I started by putting my little helper to work covering the letter in glue and sprinkling on the glitter. This required two applications for my desired glittery-ness.
Then, I played around with the ribbons and keys. I hot glued the letter on, and Viola! A beautiful new wreath for my beat-up, not-so-beautiful, down-right-ugly front door.
So, the whole project ran me about $18.50. I looked into similar items on Etsy.com and I think a wreath like this would run anywhere from $30.00 to $75.00, not including at least $15.00 shipping.
I'd say it was a successful DIY...